Atonement Movie Review – A Story That Is Not True But Touches Viewers’ Hearts

A literary drama about the incredible damage done by lying and the power of imagination to modify reality. Let’s go with Chow Down Movie Store atonement movie review to feel how the details of the movie will play out.

Summary The Atonement Movie

Atonement Movie Review
Atonement Movie Review

Based on the literary work of writer Ian McEwan, Atonement tells the story that happened in the 30s of the last century when a 13-year-old girl because of a small misunderstanding broke the love between her sister and her son. family, that young man was unjustly wronged and exiled to the army. Later, with many ups and downs, the 13-year-old girl once became a young military nurse who still questioned her conscience because of her old mistake. And then, with brave actions, she also found peace of mind as well as understood the power of an eternal love until the end of her life.

Atonement Movie Review

It was a hot summer day in 1935 in the England countryside. 13-year-old Briony Tallis lives with her mother and older sister Cecilia in a magnificent countryside. She has a crush on Robbie Turner, the housekeeper’s son. Once, to test his feelings for her, she plunged into a stream to see if he would dive to save her. He does but is angry at her frenzied impulses and doesn’t seem particularly loving. This is the opening atonement movie review.

Atonement Movie 2007
Atonement Movie 2007

Briony has just finished the first play she hopes to perform for her family. She had looked out the window and witnessed Cecilia take off her underwear and dive into the pond to get something for Robbie, who was standing in front of her. Briony is shocked by this strange and mysterious behavior of her sister.

A strange chain of events pits Briony against Robbie, and she fabricates a lie that links him to being the guilty one. It will be years before this fanciful young lady realizes the echoes of her unethical actions. Robbie, thanks to money provided by her father, has hopes of becoming a doctor. But in prison, he was brought up to serve in the army as a private during the Second World War atonement movie review. He has met Cecilia and believes that this meeting will erase her memories. She left her family, and became a nurse. She still loves him and promises to wait for him to return from the war. By 1940, Robbie, exhausted by the horrors of war,

11 Years After Atonement
11 Years After Atonement

Briony, 18 years old, has become a nurse, hoping to do something good for wounded soldiers to atone for her lies that have devastated the lives of both her sister and Robbie. . She is lonely and lost in the world but still writes in the late hours of the night. Years later, Briony is being interviewed about her 21st novel. This will be her last, as she is terminally ill. This is the ending atonement movie review.

Some of our atonement movie reviews above will surely make you feel all the beauty of the work. You can replay the movie and let us know about your unbiased review of the movie by commenting below. Thank you readers!

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Robbie Turner Vs.Cecilia Tallis Atonement Movie Shirt

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